- November: family visit with Grandma Cheryl and Ardelle who accompanied us to the "Dancing" night and enjoyed much laughter.
- Thanksgiving was amazing at Mom's house. My sister has renamed us Sherbert and Bertley. The explanation really needs its own blog post.
- Asheville for some vegan food and an attempt to infiltrate the Grove Park Inn Gingerbread displays. Again, look for that story in the future. Dave thinks lentils are noodles.
- December: Decorated a Christmas tree. Did 98% of my Christmas shopping online.
- Spent New Years in the living room with the boys. We let them stay up to see the "ball" drop in NYC. This posed many, many questions, needless to say. We drank champagne and I kissed each one of them, my three handsome, amazing, spirited, dedicated, silly, moody boys.
- January: The weather just magnified the dreary month that is January.
- Lane lost another tooth. The tooth fairy visited, and because he did not pull it out himself for some nacho money at school, she left a fiver. It ended up coming out on its own during a family dinner that I cooked...and yes, I'm sure his first thought was "jeebus mom, didn't know rigatoni had rocks in it! I mean you cooked it and all..." That should be a blog post, too. It will.
- February finds us preparing for many exciting events: my sister's birthday, my parents FIFTIETH wedding anniversary, my neice's TWENTIETH birthday (!), Lane's big number SEVEN and having a par-tay at the skating rink, my Dad's birthday and....there has to be something else.
- In the "too much information" category, I have a fractured coccyx. I bring my giant coccyx cushion everywhere with me. It looks like one of those stadium seats...but I don't use it at the big game. To top off my rainy day today, I dropped it in the parking lot...it just screams LOSER when you are upset over your coccyx pillow. AND, the damn thing is made of foam. It was like a giant ass sponge.
Stay tuned. I haven't forgotten about my updates! I'm looking directly at you, Mother.