July 18, 2011
Dear Ma and Pa-
Our first accommodation was Jack Huff's Motor Lodge located 2 steps from downtown Gatlinburg. Jack wasn't there but his daughter was kind enough to find us a room with 2 doubles and our own bathroom. This little spot boasts an amenity that you just don't find at any roadside motor lodge: A HOT TUB ROOM. S h u t t h e f r o n t d o o r. (is there one???)
Not one folks but TWO hot tubs in one room with a giant atrium to gaze at the passer-bys who just wish they were lucky enough to stay at Jack Huff's. Even though the boys were dying to hop in and spend a few lazy hours people watching, we had something up our sleeve slightly more exciting, if at all: zip lining the treetops of the Smoky Mountains.
Yep, Pa, I still have that little fear of heights. Wishing I had not taken so many Tylenols due to CMH (Country Music Headache), or I would have kicked back a few shots of tequila to jump into the harness. I was too scared to mix meds and have some sort of reaction on a canopy way the heck up there and require a guide to zip me down at mach speed to save my life....because I just would have had a heart attack right then and there and it would have negated everything. And Dave would have been pissed.