catching leprechauns with welcome signs

We made a leprechaun trap last year out of a Croc shoebox with a clear plastic cutout window on top. I was responsible for the viewing window installation & Nick was in charge of the contents as I was unfamiliar with what leprechauns like and/or dislike. I have never tried to catch one before.

Lets back up. I didn't know you could catch leprechauns.

According to my then first grader, you lure the little dandy with chocolate and shiny gold stuff then "trap" him inside; once he is caught, he immediately turns into a rock. How much of this information is true, I have no idea as I did not verify with any other parents. I was hired to install a viewing window.

Our trap collaboration was deemed a success. We caught a rock. *golf claps*

This year, I was not asked to participate. My now second grader has become quite independent in his mad trap building skills. He decorated a cup filled with chocolate, a super quick closing lid, an ingenious ladder for the green man to climb and a fancy gold path from the hallway into his room.

Hold on to your hats, he caught another rock.

I believe it was due to the "welcome" sign.