skinny jeans & first job = love?

I am noting 4.30.09 as "one of those days." If you are a parent, it was one of those moments that you need to write down, remember, make a mental note or just blog about. Since my short term memory was pretty much erased when I had Lane, I needed to go ahead record this memory while the ink is still fresh from me writing it down yesterday.

Nicholas Bennett, my little eight year old son, first born, high strung, and sweet as can be---requested a new pair of jeans. Normally this would be just another "Ok, honey, will do. Remember, Church Street Recession is in full swing! I may not get to it this week." And his response: "Alriigghhtt....well can I tell you what kind of jeans I want? And don't interrupt me. Let me tell you before you say no." (Dave and the kids know my answer when they are asking me a question. I guess I interrupt and say NO before they finish the sentence. It is one of my personality flaws. I get it.)

"Well, they are smaller around the ankle, they kind of go in like this, they need to be black" and in his own little eight year old way, drew me a picture. To my surprise (and slight shock) I realized he was describing "skinny jeans." Like a pair that the Jonas Brothers would wear.


Uh, no. That is what I was thinking but I did not interrupt. He needs to be in a pair of little rugged Levi's with grass stains on the knee. Not in some low slung, tight ankled, black pair of pants like a teenager!

Moving on, hoping to forget that conversation, the boys and I head across the street to discuss their first real life, big boy responsiblity not given to them by a parent: a paid pet sitting job. Our kind neighbors have asked the boys to look after their cat while they are away. He is an outdoor cat so the only real "job" part of it is feeding him 2 times a day. I fully expect Nick & Lane to do all the work, I refuse to give in and take over...even though I am sure some mornings it will be tempting. They will learn that to get paid, you need to do the work. Mom & Dad will not be bailing you out. I just want to set a precedent and be a good parent. God knows I have failed miserably in the fashion department, evidently.

Which leads us to the cerise sur le gateau....Dave and I discovered last night that our son has a crush on his teacher. He shut the door to his room and wrote her a note.


They grow up so fast. Will Nicholas become this?

Only time will tell. He needs to start feeding Charlie the Cat to save up for those skinny jeans that I will not be purchasing.