medieval times, the experience

From Wilmington, Myrtle Beach is only 1.5 hours away. February 2008, the winter doldrums had set in and we were looking for a quick, easy, fun trip with the boys. While Myrtle Beach was not my first choice...I had envisioned leisurely book reading, spa treatments & shopping---not random indoor water slides with screaming toddlers, freezing mini golf and souvenir shops every two blocks named "Wings"...we packed up the Toyota and headed south.

On our last of two fun filled nights and on a complete whim, we decided to travel back to the 11th century and attend an equestrian tournament, known to many as "Medieval Times."

How fun for the kids to see the theatrics and the real live horses!

The Knights! The King! His Princess! No utensils!

So, we missed a few minor details. Evidently, in the 11th century, they feasted on giant legs of meat, drank soup out of a crock and gnawed on garlic bread. For this vegetarian and fork wielding mom, it was slightly shocking. Luckily in the 11th century (at least in Myrtle Beach) they served margaritas in a large gold pimp cup that you could take home. Did I mention we all got gold crowns too? The above picture captures Lane drinking his soup and if you look closely, you can see my new gold glassware collection, sure to be a hit at the Thanksgiving table!

The Spetrino family at the Castle Bar