The boys and I have spent more time than usual in the car lately due to moving essentials to the beach and making multiple trips. A conversation that sticks out during one of those 22 minute rides was about "when I grow up." (Them, not me. I am quite obviously full grown, maybe overgrown.)
Nick has decided to be a "studio dude" (?) who works behind the scenes with rock stars. He asked if he needed to be on American Idol to acheive that dream. (??)
Lane announces that he wants to be a "pizza guy" and told Nick he would for sure "hook him up." (???) The next day, he drew a picture at school:
That prompted a stream of thought of what we wont be. For example:
I will never, ever be a chef.
Against all odds, here is photographic evidence that I have, indeed been in a kitchen. From a Girl's Night Out at South 'n France. Notice how Charlene is looking at me & possibly thinking "She has never done this before, no?" Dave will never, ever be a janitor. He sucks at it.
The economy has forced some cutbacks at the office....and quite truthfully, I am not about to go in the boy's restroom and touch anything. Of course, this amused me so I had to take a picture.
Nick will never, ever be a concert violinist.
Bless his heart. He tries really, really hard. If I hear "Mississippi Hot Dog" one more time...I may just....go cook something.
Lane will never, ever be a doctor.
This is how he checks reflexes.

This is how he would address a patient's concerns.
I have some cool kids and a great husband. They will succeed, without a doubt, at whatever they choose to do. The exceptions of course would be in the janitorial, musical or medicine field.