The GPS has been our best friend for the entire trip. We consult it for advice like a Magic 8 Ball. It never lets us down. Unless the wrong address is entered.
Dave had to extract me from the king size bed at Niagara Falls. As excited as I was about Toronto, no amount of Tim Horton doughnuts would be better than the cocoon I created of soft feather down. I suggested Toronto because of the location so close to the falls and heck, we were already in Canada, eh? What is a short ride around the lake among family?
It would have gone smoother if we had planned a little better around the lunch schedule. Three hungry boys makes for a small scale civil war. (See, we learned something from Gettysburg!) I refused to eat lunch at Tim Horton's so we ended up in a truly random place in Canada at a small town low budget hybrid version of Lonestar meets the Hockey Hall of Fame. I know. What was assumed to be one of the shorter road trips in the big picture ended up being quite painful. Traffic became thick outside the city on what was "rush hour" on a Friday night.....and, of all times, Lane had to use the restroom really, really bad. (Number One, thankfully) (And to add, we must have stopped at every damn Tim Horton's between Niagara Falls and Toronto to use the restroom so why this happened *at-this-very-moment-of-stress-and-tension-in-the-car* I am not quite sure.)
Back to that GPS....
I am known for screwing a detail up here and there. I assumed that I entered the correct address but alas, when we arrived to a random spot deep in downtown Toronto with no hotel in sight & Lane screaming in the back that he was "GOING TO DIE ANY MINUTE IF HE DID NOT USE THE RESTROOM" I realized I had made a serious and costly mistake.
While attempting to concentrate through the bladder pains in the back and the soon-to-be large pain in the front next to me, I quickly found that my error had been reversing a number. We made up with the GPS and entered the correct address and found the hotel almost immediately....we drove right by it! Haha! But nobody was really laughing right now...
We checked in and found our newest home was missing something. Lucky for Lane, there was a bathroom, but unlucky for the Spetrinos that we were missing a rollaway bed. And even if we had one, there was no where to put it because the room was *that* small. As if we weren't already just delighted to be in the same room with each other.
A wise man named Jeff Hovis once told us: "Never take the first room. The wife and kids are to remain in the lobby. It is your duty to make sure the accomodations are up to par BEFORE you summon a bellman, load your 4 suitcases, 2 laptops, cooler, emergency bag with Benadryl, loveys, backpacks, wife's unreasonably large purse, miscellaneous trash remains from Tim Horton's & ipods, then send your car off with the valet." (Ok, so I embellished a little bit, but you get the point)
Hotel room #2 ends up being on the same floor. To our surprise and initial glee, it was actually a Hospitality Suite so it was the size of two regular rooms with a fridge, full size dining room table, and a little sitting area with a couch! But wait....where was the bed?
Well friends, it was hidden in the wall, as in a Murphy Bed.
I must have fainted because when I woke up, I was in the said bed.
The CN Tower: World's Tallest Tower and Free Standing Structure. Perfect for someone scared of heights! And because Dave may have still been a little upset about the GPS Fiasco, he purchased 4 tickets to the Sky Pod so we could go 33 more floors up. What a guy!

Yes, I went with the family to the top. Yes, I closed my eyes on the elevator. Yes, in the viewing area I stayed glued to the interior wall the entire time. Yes, I almost had a panic attack when the boys played on the glass floor. 

One last tidbit that explains the title. The city workers had been on strike for 26 days prior to our arrival. We expected a clean downtown and the top news story was how everything was closed due to the trash pile up!!