Lane has lost five teeth and chipped a permanent one due to a rock thrown by his brother. He looks strikingly similar to his jack-o-lantern, Bob. (See Halloween post please,this will make complete sense.)
Four of his five lost teeth were pulled out by Lane. They would get a slight wiggle and he automatically sees dollar signs. He works and works on the little wobbly tooth until he can handle the pain to go ahead and jerk it out of his mouth. Less than 24 hours after the initial contact, the tiny pearl is located under his pillow patiently waiting the tooth fairy's arrival.
He is a sneaky little capitalist. He pulled his front tooth out at PawPaw and Gigi's beach house, which posed a new conundrum: does the tooth fairy visit there or does she wait until the tooth is under his pillow at home? She ended up finding him there.
Evidently, unbeknownst to Dave and I, the tooth fairy got a raise since the last tooth Lane pulled out himself. That or front teeth are worth 500% more than all the other teeth. Or maybe Gigi knows her personally and put a miniscule bug in her tiny glittery ear that Lane deserved a five (!) dollar bill for his latest trick.
Ever the budding entrepreneur, Lane saw this as a wake up call. He could make more money pulling teeth than from his meager allowance. He could ignore the trash can, the recycling bin, the growing pile of dirty school uniforms in his laundry basket, even his bathroom...
All he needs to do is score a few teeth by yanking them out and he has it MADE. He has not realized yet the concept of just how many teeth he can get out.
And yes, we have gone over with him numerous times which ones are "permanent" teeth and which ones are "moneymakers."